Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Transfiguration: 2 Peter 1:16-29

Feb 3, 2013; Transfiguration; Texts: Psalm 2; Exodus 34:29-35; 2 Peter 1:16-29; Matthew 17:1-9; Title: The Glory of Hidden Glory; Rev. Tim Beck

Grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ

The epiphany we celebrate today is glorious, the epiphany of the transfiguration - the revealing of Jesus’ humanity in glory! Jesus goes to a mountain and makes it holy by what is revealed. He reveals His hidden glory to 3 disciples told to be witnesses; only, keep this revelation hidden until after the crucifixion, he says. After I’m victorious over the darkest place, then you declare my transfiguration, says Jesus. After all, one day believers will know the glory that follows the cross. Until then, like the crucifixion, much of life is dark. Winter clouds dim the sun, aging takes the light from our eyes, and dark hearts withdraw into our own little worlds.  We’re tempted to forget what is promised, what is hidden under our trials. We hear the sun still shines above the clouds but we want to reply, the only thing sure is death and taxes. Oh no, Christians, we know there is more - there is something more certain. Consider God’s word spoken upon mountains made holy by that word: There’s Mt. Transfiguration and its promise – the glory to be revealed. There’s Mt. Sinai that caused Moses’ face to shine – the glory of the law. There’s Mt. Golgotha and what it so richly bestows – the glory of grace.
          These mountains were sanctified by the Holy One, the Son of God, who revealed Himself to take us to the highest mount, Mount Zion, the dwelling place of God. Peter tells us who Jesus is: For when he received honor and glory from God the Father, and the voice was borne to him by the Majestic Glory, “This is my beloved Son,  with whom I am well pleased,” we ourselves heard this very voice borne from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain. After hearing that voice, the disciples descended into the troubling valleys, and fell away when Jesus was lifted up for all to see, revealing the most profound glory of all.        Then Jesus, in resurrection body appeared, giving peace, opening minds, sending the Holy Spirit so that the disciples bore their crosses, confident of future glory.
          We share something in common with the disciples. We too are pilgrims without an abiding place in the world, as the God-breathed book of Hebrews reminds us. We’re like Abraham; our pilgrimage is not a tourist trip to luxurious resorts for the world wears the futility of sin. It rebels against the Life-giving God. So Christian, your faith is despised by the world. Why did the US Department of Health and Human Services require religious organizations to provide insurance coverage that includes abortifacients? Last year two owners of Levi Strauss donated $16 million dollars to the University of California, Berkeley for homosexual advocacy... Will that build Christ’s values? Your faith is despised in this world, and we can name no end of such examples. But Jesus said, “Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.” 
          He overcame this world, the one of depravity, blindness, self-destruction, futility and hopelessness. That includes your sin as well. The Son of God made man overcame. He won the battle, our battle against God. In the battle against the world do not trust your arm as you battle sin in you. Listen to the Word: “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Rm 8:1). And “I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me” (Phil 4:14). He who overcame the world did so by forgiving our sin. Then He joined us to His death to unite us to His life. Despite the devil’s temptations, despite sin in us, despite the world, Christ won. To spite our enemies, you sinner are declared righteous, saved by grace.
          Apart from anything you or I do, apart from anyone but the Glorious One, we have been saved by Christ’s peace, peace with God.  And that peace gives countless benefits. For example, we have a foretaste of the transfiguration. Even now Christ lives in us.  That’s why James, breathing out God’s word, could say: “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (Jas 4:7).  He flees, not due to your strength, but when you call upon your Lord. Though the fight wearies us, tempting us to give into its relentless pressures, nevertheless, Christ overcame sin, death and the devil. Despite the darkness of this life, Christ crucified conquered the dark.  So Christian, we are not called to permanently withdraw to a mountaintop alone. The hermits of past ages but ran away from their true vocations in the valleys.  Nor should we wish to escape trials, to be a billionaire with a chef, a personal trainer, a masseuse, and a therapist who daily says “you’re great!”
          Rather, since Christ lives in us, we prayerfully carry out our vocations, troubles and all, following the Son of God who humbled Himself to become man. We have a Saviour who entered our afflictions and grief, who dying, rose to share the spoils of his victory with us. He gave signs of good will and a future in Him, such as in the transfiguration. He gave signs bestowing glorious promises. For you received His invisible power and glory in holy baptism; by the visible sign of water and the word, this is what you are promised: When God our Savior appeared, he saved us… according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior… that we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life (Titus 3:4-7).
          What glory! Your sins are forgiven, and you received the Holy Spirit and the presence of Christ to sanctify. As God’s presence made Mt. Sinai, Mt Transfiguration, and Mt Golgotha Holy, so you, declared holy, are set apart for Him as His dwelling place. This hope, the hope of glory, is hidden in weakness. As Christ is hidden under visible signs so He is hidden in you. For example, veiled in bread and wine Jesus says “this is my body, this is my blood.”  And that cup of blessing is a taste of paradise to strengthen you in a pilgrim’s journey.  In glory hidden under signs Christ promises what we shall be, giving strength to conquer faith’s enemies. These signs veil their glory in the ordinary and sustain us through the difficult. These lights carry us through darkness, as a prophetic Word “made more sure.”  Christ was lifted up for all to see, his crucifixion our certain sign of glory, showing God’s good will in full.
          That’s why the transfiguration was kept hidden until after the crucifixion. It was hidden due to our sinful quest for wrong-headed glory, the crown without a cross. After all, the transfiguration was our Saviour’s preparation to die. For the Lord of glory became flesh for us, in a transfiguration of humility. God’s Son, the bright Morning Star became the sacrificial Lamb so that the promises of His transfiguration are yours. This glory is hidden in you oh Christian, Christ living in you, so that you daily die to sin and rise to life everlasting. One day the Glory shall be revealed. Even as Jesus’ humanity shone upon the Mount of Transfiguration, the fullness of Baptism’s promises will be manifest. Remember that in this earthly pilgrimage: heaven’s glory is hidden in you, so that like Christ, we humble ourselves to serve our neighbor.  Our Lord’s resurrection power is hidden in you, that we share the unveiled glory of His cross with those who dwell in darkness. 
          So the pilgrim church goes to every tribe, nation and tongue baptizing and making disciples, teaching all that Christ taught. Those sent go in hope, bearing the glory of God hidden under weakness, declaring the forgiveness of sins that opens the brilliance of heaven. You too are called to glory, told that the devil, the world, and your sinful flesh will not triumph over the love of God in Christ Jesus for you. You were joined to Christ’s death so that the day your body dies you enter resurrection life, awaiting Christ return for the resurrection of the body. You have this promise from Holy Scripture, including the record of Moses and Elijah, in brilliant bodies shining, and speaking of Jesus’ soon departure.  These two saints were sinners like us. Now they in glory shine. As the Lord kept them He keeps you and me until our wonderful arrival. We are pilgrims of the cross, who walk toward our transfiguration when our lowly bodies will become like the Christ’s glorious body. Meanwhile, His hidden glory abides in us, we who live by faith. We who confess our sins are forgiven, and our lives are set apart for holy things. We shall be completed by what is revealed, when Jesus reveals His hidden glory. This we know because Jesus conquered the darkest place. We too shall shine; God’s holy people upon the highest mount named Zion, the dwelling place of God.

The peace of God which passes all understanding keep your heart and mind in Christ Jesus our Lord (Amen).

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